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Who We Are & What We Do

Qualified, experienced and screened staff.

About Rainbow Butterflies

Rainbow Butterflies is an organisation that tailors to specific self-managed and plan managed clients working within the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) rules and regulations for practice. 


We strive to help individuals who want to enhance their quality of life and gain independence. We adapt our services to everyone since we recognise that everyone has different requirements and gifts. 


Our qualified staff will meet to develop a personalised care plan cooperatively with the client and the people involved in their care to find out goals, dreams, and aspirations to spread their wings and shine. 


Some service providers fail to consider the human aspect of the work we do. Rainbow Butterflies recognises the significance of ensuring that all aspects of our organisation and how we operate are influenced by the people we serve. We make certain that our support workers are caring, compassionate, and empathetic individuals who are well-suited to assisting people with disabilities.


We interact with people from all walks of life daily in the community. We provide skilled, evidence-based interventions to those facing adversity and use our reach and vision to challenge injustice. We are pioneers in crisis response, vulnerable child protection, financial resilience, and family well-being.  



Positive Reinforcement


Care and Patience


About Our Staff

Our nimble team have the necessary qualifications and expertise to work with you. Rainbow Butterflies promotes personal and professional development for our workers and provides further training to guarantee that the individuals we serve are served by people who can fulfil their requirements.


All our staff have undergone background checks and full training, including: 


The NDIS Workers Screening Check 

Blue Cards

Yellow Cards 

First Aid & CPR 

Seizure Management and Trained with Epilepsy QLD

COVID-19 Infection Control Training 

Cert III in Childcare 

Completed or trained Cert III in Individual Support

National Police Check 

About Elizabeth

Elizabeth has been working in the disability sector since 2018. Since she was little, the one thing she knew and was persistent on was her future career of wanting to work with children/ young adults and to help people. This sparked her interest within the disability sector and she's been loving and embracing it ever since! Her love for helping others and wanting to help make a difference in people’s lives is what lead to the creation of Rainbow Butterflies.


Her qualifications include:

  • Registered Nurse with a passion in paediatrics 

  • Certificate III & IV in Fitness 

  • Certificate III in business 

  • Certificate IV in Individual Support 

  • Blue & Yellow Card 

  • ABN

  • Completed NDIS Workers Screening Check

  • National Police Check 

  • Peg Feeding Tube Nursing Care Accredited  

  • Stoma Nursing Care Accredited 

  • Tracheostomy Nursing Care Accredited 

  • GI Tube Feeding Accredited

  • Seizure Management and Trained with Epilepsy QLD

  • COVID-19 Infection Control Training 

  • CPR & First Aid

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